Quick takes 4

My macro outlook hasn’t really shifted with the recent tragic and horrifying events in the Middle East. Sadly, with a broad historical perspective, such things are probably inevitable as we slide down the Long Descent.

The following are links/quotes that have arisen my particular interest over the last month.

MRNA vaccines transform the immune system with unknown long term consequences

The latest scientific research confirms what many have been speculating since 2021, that the MRNA vaccines do transform the immune system.

Here is a commentary from a doctor:

Although I am a pathologist and not an immunologist, everything in this article is perfectly logical from an immune system perspective. IgG4 is a subclass of gamma globulin [Note: gamma globulin is a medical term that essentially means antibody] that rises with repeated antigen exposure. In a sense it turns down the immune system to repeated antigen exposure. That is an adaptive mechanism for something like exposure to pollen, or tropomyosin, or legumes.

But it is maladaptive when that antigen (in this case spike protein) comes along with a pathogenic virus attached. Colbert’s immune system has habituated to the COVID spike so, along with the damage done by the vax to the interferon system, he can’t clear the virus. [Note: I mentioned Stephen Colbert’s new case of Covid in the article.] All of that is bad enough, but if the virus were to mutate into a more virulent strain he and all the others like him are going to be in serious trouble.

Note the last line. We don’t know if this has serious consequences for the mass mRNA vaccinated in the future or not. And this is why I didn’t get jabbed, with these revolutionary technologies, you need at least 8 to 10 years before understanding the long term consequences of getting injected.

The coming era of multipolar global disorder (Greer’s latest Q and A post)

“Wendy, multipolar world orders are normal between the fall of one global hegemon and the rise of another. We had one from 1914 to 1945, for example, when Britain lost its global dominance and who was going to take its place wasn’t settled yet — there were some wars fought over that. 😉 If we assume that the US loses its grip on global power in 2025 and it takes until 2055 or so for the next hegemon to consolidate its power, we’ve got several decades of political turmoil, global economic readjustment, and warfare to go through, and all of those things will either make it harder to transition in a controlled fashion, or burn more fossil fuels in a hurry, or both. So I think we can expect even more turmoil than was already on the way, with stabilization in North America and Europe probably delayed until after the world order is settled.”

My own thinking aligns with that 2025 (give or take by a year) timeframe when the US global hegemony era ends.

The underlying energy dynamics behind the spiralling wave of geopolitical crises

A superb essay on why the energy dynamics is driving these rising tide of geopolitical crises that increasingly risk turning into a global war (or at least the shattering of US military hegemony). This is something Greer has recently wrote as well in his “Bracing for Impact” blog post.

To summarise, “So there’s good reason to think that over the next few years, we’ll be facing a steep lurch downward along the ragged trajectory I’ve named the Long Descent. It’s not the end of the world, though doubtless we’ll see the usual flurry of gloating predictions of imminent doom from the various apocalypse lobbies. What it means is that there’s a high probability that the months and years to come will see very hard times for a great many people across the industrial world, especially in the United States and its allies.”

Note the “US and its allies”. Here is a recommendation to any Israeli readers i have (and I give it with genuine sadness). Get out before it is too late.

Without the US military, economic and financial support the Israeli state looks incredibly vulnerable to its surrounding Arab enemies. In other words, it likely that at some point in the coming decades, Israel will lose a war against a future Arab coalition and the Jewish people living there would face ethnic cleansing.

Us Europeans are also looking vulnerable. Most European states have weak militaries, the periphery of Europe is like a band of chaos, warfare and jihadi violence and the risk that the core of Europe gets enveloped by these internal and external risks increases as we enter into the 2030s and beyond.

Quick takes 4

2 thoughts on “Quick takes 4

  1. ilona says:

    Many thanks! I especially appreciate the links to Greer’s website. I
    used to visit regularly, but this year I’ve been drawn into other
    activities. You remind me why I intend to visit more often!!


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